Program Overview
Access to Remedy Program seeks to engage judicial officers, prosecutors, and strategic litigation lawyers to strengthen business and human rights (BHR) jurisprudence across Africa. Focused on increasing access to remedy for victims of business-related human rights violations, the program focuses on addressing legal and practical barriers to accessing remedy, stakeholders capacity-building, and developing strategic litigation guidelines to advance business and human rights jurisprudence in Africa. Leveraging on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) framework and priorities in national action plans on business and human rights, this program aims to ensure the effective participation of judicial officers in ensuring effective access to remedy for adverse human rights impacts linked to business operations.
Program Objectives
- Mapping existing access to remedy mechanisms and analyzing local and regional courts interpretations of corporate responsibility to respect human rights as outlined under UNGPs and other responsible business frameworks.
- Developing strategic litigation guidelines for judicial officers and legal practitioners to better address business-related human rights abuses.
- Engaging judges and prosecutors in peer to peer learning and capacity building workshops to create awareness on UNGPs and to foster a rights-respecting business environment and advancing BHR discourse.
Key Activities
- Mapping Access to Remedy Landscape: Conducting research on judicial and non-judicial BHR mechanisms, assess court cases, and engage stakeholders to inform and refine insights.
- Litigation Guidelines Development: Draft and validate strategic guidelines for addressing BHR cases, emphasizing the application of UNGPs and international standards in national and regional legal practice.
- Capacity-Building Workshops: Facilitate peer-to-peer workshops with judicial officers and prosecutors to discuss BHR trends, UNGPs, and effective approaches for BHR litigation.
Our Commitment
The Access to Remedy Program is committed to fostering robust engagement with judicial institutions to ensure access to effective judicial remedies that advance access to justice for victims of business-related human rights violations. By equipping judicial officers with specialized training and resources, we empower them to make informed decisions that uphold human rights and promote responsible business conduct.
Through enhanced access to remedy, the program seeks to:
- Effective access to judicial and non-judicial remedies for business related human rights impact.
- Enhanced access to justice and effective remedies by claimants, esp vulnerable groups e.g. indigenous peoples and migrant workers.
- Establishing guidelines for lawyers and judicial officers to develop BHR jurisprudence in Africa aligned to African reality and global standards in responsible business.
Partner with Us
The Access to Remedy Program is an opportunity to contribute to developing UNGPs framework compliant legal jurisprudence on corporate responsibility to respect human rights and ensuring effective access to remedy for adverse human rights impact of business operations on people, communities and environment. Partnering with us ensures that African judicial systems become more adept at addressing and remedying business-related human rights abuses, advancing sustainable and equitable business practices that respect the dignity of people in Africa.
Contact Us to learn more about collaborating to support access to remedy, accountability, transparency, and responsible business practices.