Responsible Business Institute Africa (RBI-Africa) is a Pan African nonprofit organization registered as a company limited by guarantee under the Laws of Kenya. The organization’s aim is to work with and support businesses, particularly MSMEs, government agencies, civil society organizations and international development partners towards ensuring businesses in Africa embrace responsible business practices. This includes providing strategic support for businesses in defining and communicating their human rights policy commitment, incorporating human rights due diligence in their operations and facilitating effective access to remedies in case of business-related adverse impact on the human rights of people, communities and the environment.
RBI-Africa works with businesses of all sizes and at stages to design and implement interventions aimed at ensuring that the businesses comply with their corporate responsibility to respect human rights. These interventions include research support, human rights impact assessment, human rights policy embedding, awareness and advocacy, training and capacity building, providing practical tools for policy embedding and incorporating human rights due diligence, and support to establish operational level grievance mechanisms for effective access to remedy in case of business-related human rights risks.